Cloudy days

Narendra Modi’s triumphant announcement of India’s “Project Shakti” ASAT demonstration, which showered low-earth orbit with weather satellite roadkill, stood in contrast with Mike Pence’s ambitious but tepidly received announcement that NASA will try to land American astronauts on the Moon by 2024. The highlights:

Electron “Two Thumbs Up” launch at Māhia 28 Mar 2019. Photo: Rocket Lab/YouTube
Long March 3B lifts off at Xichang 31 March 2019. Photo: CNSA/CGTN/YouTube
PSLV mission C45 from Sriharikota 01 April 2019 Photo: ISRO/DD/YouTube
OpenSpace OS-M1 rocket lifts off from Jiuquan 27 Mar 2019, mission failed. Credit:OneSpace/Weibo, located by Andrew Jones

25 Mar:

  • Dr. Kavya Manyapu told UND Space Studies how Boeing is developing dust removal techniques for spacesuits on the lunar surface. (80 minute lecture)

26 Mar:

27 Mar:

28 Mar:

29 Mar:

  • ISS EVA215 (Hague, McClain) replaces an additional set of batteries.
  • ESA shows off its CHEOPS exoplanet probe in Spain before departure to Kourou.

30 Mar:

31 Mar:

01 Apr:

02 Apr:

03 Apr: